The project my super talented photographer and dear friend Lee Chapman and I started working on is finally out.
It's been a long time in the work due to covid restrictions with shipping out of Japan, and finally in September 2022 we green-light the Kickstarter campaign.
We reached the funding goal in just 3 days, and our visual conversation over the city we now call home is now a book designed by Steidel Verlag designer, Holger Feroudj.
He put into a proper form the ideas Lee and I talked about and brought up the project to a level we could never have reached by ourselves.
The printing phase has also been a really fulfilling process. The very professional team at Tokyo Inshokan led by printing director Noboru Takayanagi, accompanied us through the final phase, checking everything again with us, improving every detail page by page bringing the book as close as possible to what was our vision for each picture.