Offset printing at Tokyo Inshokan

Wednesday was an important day for the book Tokyo Conversations. Lee and I went through all the photos again in the print shop, reviewing everything once more and making some final changes. A long but fruitful 12-hour process of checking and printing page by page. A completely new experience for both Lee and me.

We are both happy to say that the end result is exactly as we had hoped it would be.

The book is ready, the inside pages printed to the best of our ability under the supervision of master printer Noboru Takayanagi, printing director of 株式会社東京印書館 (Tokyo Inshokan).

Mr. Takayanagi has his YouTube channel, if you want to have a look: HERE

It was nice to talk about photos with him, about artistic intentions in printing, and his passion for the work he has been doing for over 30 years. We also talked about Italy, and he told me he is a big fan of the Japanese show about small Italian villages that airs every week here in Japan.

The binding will take a couple of weeks, which means that, barring any last-minute problems, the books should be delivered to us on 19 December. Once they arrive, we will start packing and shipping them. We hope to do this before Japan closes for the holidays.


The Book is Out


Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea