JANUARY NHK radio book

The festival of Sant'Antonio Abate on the night between 16th and 17th January is one of the most common occurrences in Sardinia, and one of the most heartfelt celebrations. In the island there is a great variety of costumes of festivals, but the most famous are surely those of the towns of Ottana and Mamoiada. For these two villages the feast of Saint Anthony is also the first exit of the year for these mysterious masks and in fact it is also called "Sa prima essia" - the first exit.

preview: here

1月16日と17日の夜に行われるSant'Antonio Abate (大アントニオス)の祝日は、サルデーニャで最も広く行われている行事の一つであり、最も心のこもったお祝いの一つでもあります。島には様々なお祭りの衣装 がありますが、最も有名なのはオッタナ村とマモイアダ町の衣装でしょう。この2つの村にとって、大アントニオスの祝日は、これらの神秘的な衣装の一年の最初の出番でもあり、実際に最初の出番 Sa prima essia(実際に最初の出番)とも呼ばれています。

サンプル: ここ

Su boe (Ottana)

S'issohadore (Mamoiada)

A Cowbell artisan at work.

A very special bystander for the festival (my father), with the face covered in coal. It brings good luck to everyone at the festival, so … don’t run away you are followed by someone trying to “paint” your face!




Yuki Mairi