FpL in Ginza
A new Sigma camera arrived in the family last week. It's the Sigma FpL, the tiny modular camera with the 61 megapixels Bayer sensor.
There are millions of reviews on the internet, so I won't dwell on writing about the technical details.
I just want to present my first impressions, with some photos taken in Ginza just after receiving the package from Sigma.
Btw happy 60th birthday to SIgma ;)
I went around with my “street photography” best friend Lee , and we ventured in the city for a nice shooting day.
The first stop was the famous Nakagin, a capsule apartment building built in the early 70's by Kurokawa Kisho.
As I usually do with other Sigma cameras I was shooting in RAW+jpeg and I played with the color settings in the camera. Everything is very simple with this camera because under the screen there are two dedicated buttons, one for the tone (with a customizable curve for the contrast) and one with the preset color settings. In short, it's fun, but not only that. In the past I used colors for some work because... they are not bad at all and you save a lot of time not having to open the SPP software (not famous for its speed). Besides the RAW is always in the car, if you need some deeper modification to the file. In short. The tonal curve is a novelty, even if I would have preferred to be able to edit more points and not only higlight and shadows.
The lens I used is the super sexy 35mm f2 Contemporary
Here are some pics with preset color profiles on:
The all new “powder blue” ('not bad at all)
one of the many duotone mode availables, this one iis the R1 (Which means Red, I guess). If you feel artsy or… back to the 70s. You have everything here to go “Andy Warhol” big time.
Here’s a normal BnW
and here’s a BnW with some tone adjusted for more contrast.
I hope this give you an idea of the fun you can have shooting jpegs. Of course you have these kind of things in other cameras as well (and I really think Fuji is at the top for the preset color simulation), but consider that I was going around with a TINY camera that produces huge files that are more than enough 99% of the time. if you want to print more than 50 meters prints, you will need a medium format camera ;)
That’s about it for this time. Just allow me to put a couple more pictures. All the above is too much modern architecture for me. I feel I have to fix the post a little with some more images. (^^)