Giovanni Piliarvu

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Bicycle Sunsets

I like to move around by bicycle in my days wandering around the city for work or… fun. I always try and put a camera in my bag aand since I have the “very small” Sigma FPL it’s way easier than back in my Canon 5D days! It certainly was a nice camera but I really can’t say that it was easy to casually bring around! It is a real tank of a camera! (^^)

Today I’m sharing a couple of pictures from Komazawa Olympic Park

The reason I stopped along my way through the park is this structure. The Concrete Pagoda, is a very beautiful piece of architecture and I had both the 35mm Dg Dn and the 20mm Dg Dn with me, so I wanted to take a couple of shots and compare their look from the same position.

Here they are:

The 35mm

And the 20mm.

I would say the 20mm wins. What do you think? Let me know in the comments section below.

PS: it’s actually called “Control Tower” but I do prefer “my” name (^^)