A Grand Tour in Musical Landscapes


Alberto Pizzo and Giovanni Piliarvu met in Tokyo during an event at the Yamaha Hall in Ginza, thanks to the well-known photographer Junji Takasago.  From that moment a friendship was born based on the love for Italy and for the common nostalgia given by staying away chasing for better life opportunities.

Thousands of kilometers away and forced to witness powerlessly to the suffering of the Italians when the Covid-19 started hitting hard, they decided to try to give help, however small, with the best they have to offer: photos and music .

“A Grand Tour in musical landscapes” is an ideal trip to Italy, made of images.  A cultural pilgrimage that young Europeans already made in the 19th century to perfect their knowledge, and in which Italy was the main goal.

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The live performance will have as a visual structure a selection of shots by Giovanni, accompanied by Alberto’s musical improvisation, which will let the sensations that will arise when viewing the photographs flow onto the piano keys.  The selection of landscapes will include the whole of Italy, and will be seen by Alberto for the first time during the performance.

It was not easy to decide who to donate to because there are so many needs at the moment.  Alberto and Giovanni’s thoughts went to an institution always at the forefront in times of difficulty: the Italian Red Cross.

During the live it will be possible to click on the link available to make a direct offer.

We ask you to share the video link in order to reach the widest possible audience.

The live performance will happen this Thursday 9 April 2020. It will begin at 10 am Italian time (in Japan it will be 5 pm), live on Facebook on the channels of the two artists:

https://www.facebook.com/GioPiPhoto/;  https://www.facebook.com/giovanni.piliarvu

 https://www.facebook.com/albertopizzopianist/;  https://www.facebook.com/alberto.pizzo

 We ask you to use the hashtags #GtMusicalLandscapes #UnItaliaCheAiuta #GiovanniPiliarvu #AlbertoPizzo #アルベルトピッツォ #ジョバンニピリアルヴ #iorestoacasa #stayathome #家にいよう





Simply beautiful


Kongo Waterfall