Giovanni Piliarvu

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Mistukoshi Theatre

May the first I’ll be on the stage of a theatre after almost 15 years! I used to perform in a musical back in Florence but since I live in Tokyo never had another chance to “be in the spotlight”.

What better stage to be on if not the Mitsukoshi Theatre, one of the oldest in Japan? The Nihonbashi Symphony Orchestra, made up of world-class artists, will perform a concert with Italian film music together with my images to stir up the feeling of travel in Italy.

The program includes "Full of Sunshine", "The Road", "the Leopard", "Romeo and Juliet", "Death in Venice", "The Godfather", "Amarcord", "Sunflowers", "New Cinema Paradise", "The Legend of 900" and others, all played by the orchestra directed by Shimura Kenichi. At the piano Sakiko Matsui and at the violin Junko Mozume.

My friend and talented artist Takashi Tokoyo is the Art director and… I’ll do my best in the role of “navigator” ( a kind of anchorman, in Japanese).

Here’s Mitsukoshi ticket shop, if you don’t want to miss me rambling in Japanese (^^)

5月1日、約15年ぶりに劇場のステージに立ちます フィレンツェでミュージカルに出演していましたが、東京に住んでいるため「スポットライトを浴びる」チャンスはなかなかありません。が声だけはこの4月からNHKラジオのイタリア語講座にて公共電波デビューしています。

日本で最も古い劇場のひとつである三越劇場の舞台は、私にとって最高の舞台です。 世界的なアーティストで構成される日本橋交響楽団が、私の映像とともにイタリア映画音楽を演奏し、イタリアの旅情をかきたてます。

