Giovanni Piliarvu

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Asakusa Awa Odori

Finally, after several timid attempts, the summer festivals seem to be back in full swing.

After a long period of not capturing any shots of the 'awaodori' dance, at the beginning of the month, I decided to grab my cameras and attend one of the new festivals.

The Asakusa Awaodori is in its second edition ( after a hyatus of 14 years), and the participating groups were among the best in Tokyo. The dances kicked off with the hometown group, Asakusa Kaminari Ren, and continued with a great audience turnout. Perhaps because the area is highly touristy, I noticed a significant number of foreigners in the crowd, much more than usual. Fortunately, the heat wasn't as intense as it is these days, but definitely, the passion of the dancers and musicians raised the temperature during the dances.

On a separate note, I tested the Leica M10 with the Summicron 75mm lens, and I must say that the quality is exactly what you would expect. No doubts about it. Considering the price of the lens, which is not within everyone's reach, I am pleased that the expectations have been met. Here are a few shots from the day, from the Leica: